Bug #23738
openName Management: Generate Names (Name Builder)
Start date:
May 10, 2024
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Name Management: Generate Names (Name Builder)
- The ability to generate the names based on the finalized status of a naming convention, and to be able to reserve a name for usage within the UI or the API. Reserving a name will set the specific instance of the name to “utilized” vs “available”.
- The ability to generate a name based on the different types of naming conventions via either the UI or the API. This action will be carried out by the IT user.
- We will ask them the type of the name whether it is a Linux instance, Windows instance, etc. And based on that we can allow certain fields.
- The Name Builder is a UI page that lets an IT Administrator select the
naming convention for a Name and will allow entering the data based on the configuration set. For example, a naming convention for a server can be as follows:
Country Code + Datacenter Code + Rack Code + Device Role + Service Level + Sequential ID
This naming convention would generate a server name such as follows:
This would mean the server is named as follows:
Country Code: US
Datacenter Code: LVN
Rack Code: 008
Device Role: DB (Database)
Service Level: P (Production)
Sequential ID: 017 …next one will be 018 etc..
No data to display
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