Feature #23844
closedFWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
In COH update, when we click on the Save button it should also ask whether you want to re-calculate transaction data? with Yes or No buttons and here If clicked yes then hit re-calculate txn data and save. If clicked No, don't re-calculate txn data and save. also if selected no then update the toast message accordingly Portfolio Updated without ReCal txn data.
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Updated by Palash Tembhurnekar 29 days ago
Verified on staging web app, now on the Update COH when clicked on the Save button then it asks Re-calculate the transaction data? in the Pop up with Close & Recalculate Data options. Here if selected Closed option then it saves the COH without Recalculating the Txn Data and shows success message as Portfolio updated successfully without re-calculating the transaction data! where as if selected Recalculate Data option then it Recalculates the Transaction Data, Buy Sell Prompt Data & BSPL Data Respectively by showing their success messages. - Done, marking it as closed
Updated by supportadmin atulsia 28 days ago
- Status changed from Closed to In Progress
After I click save, it takes 3-4 seconds for popup to come about "Re-calculate the transaction data?" and meanwhile restless person like me keeps clicking save multiple times. You need to add loader to show progress if there's a delay. or disable the button and may be show loader inside a button. I have seen this in latest apps.