Feature #23854
closedFWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
Start date:
March 04, 2025
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
- The UI of 'My Profile' should be similar to 'View User'.
- Need to add Edit Profile button on its UI.
Updated by Palash Tembhurnekar 24 days ago
Verified on staging web app,
- The UI of 'My Profile' should be similar to 'View User'. - Now on the UI of My Profile is made same as View Profile. - Done, marking it as closed
- Need to add Edit Profile button on its UI. - Now on the My Profile screen its displaying Edit Profile button & when clicked on it then it navigates to the Edit my profile screen. - Done, marking it as closed
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