Bug #23873
closedFWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
Follow Steps:
1. Did logged in from Super admin acc & marked 1 user as super admin & assigned him portfolio.
2. After that did logged in from that another super admin user.
3. from another super admin user's account removed himself from that portfolio
4. After which it log's him out from the web app.
5. Again did the login into the web app to see the changes then it still shows him the Port 1 & Port 2 with role as Super admin.
Updated by Palash Tembhurnekar 9 days ago
Verified on staging web app, Now followed the same steps
1. Did logged in from Super admin acc & marked 1 user as super admin & assigned him portfolio.
2. After that did logged in from that another super admin user.
3. from another super admin user's account removed himself from that portfolio
4. After which it log's him out from the web app.
5. Again did the login into the web app to see the changes then it still shows him the Port 1 & Port 2 with role as Super admin. - Now as an admin it will display him all the Portfolios. Also in the portfolio list table after removing the user its not displaying their name in the portfolio where it was previously assigned. So now its refreshing properly - Done marking it as closed