From February 03, 2025 to March 04, 2025
March 04, 2025
03:56 PM Feature #23861 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
09:48 AM Feature #23861 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
- # Instead of *Close* button need to show *Cancel*
# If clicked on the Cancel button then it should revert back the C... -
01:20 PM Feature #23819 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
01:20 PM Feature #23819: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the below mentioned screens the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button is removed. -...
05:14 AM Feature #23819: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Hided the Upload Excel & Re-Cal buttons from below pages since it's already there in Raw Data upload.
Screener Data
... -
01:18 PM Feature #23844 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
01:17 PM Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in COH update when clicked on the Save button then first it shows the loader on Save...
05:15 AM Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- In the save button a loader has been added until the re-calculate pop-up rises.
11:40 AM Bug #23866 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
- Need to Check if the user gets verification email, In Email user needs to click on verify and once the verification i...
11:37 AM Bug #23865 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
- On User list screen when clicked on any any user then it shows the error: Application error: a client-side exception ...
11:29 AM Bug #23816: FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
- The OPENAI API key is updated in staging and production. now its working fine.
11:28 AM Bug #23816 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
11:28 AM Bug #23855: FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
- All the console logs are removed throughout the app.
11:27 AM Bug #23855 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
09:21 AM Bug #23855 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
- Its displaying the Console logs on all pages of web app. So, Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
11:03 AM Bug #23856 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
11:02 AM Bug #23856 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
11:02 AM Bug #23856: FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- Done by @kailashgajara sir.
09:24 AM Bug #23856 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- As discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to update the secret manager with new password for info email.
10:25 AM Bug #23864 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
- As discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to fix column 1 pixel error.
Check Below screens:
# ST to LT Runwa... -
09:58 AM Bug #23863 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
- As discussed in internal Call on 04/03/25 Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
09:52 AM Bug #23862 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
09:43 AM Bug #23860 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
- Without verifying the Email if user tries to do forgot password then user should receive an Email verification mail.
09:36 AM Bug #23859 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
- For any user who has not verified their email ID and is trying to log in, the email verification failed message shoul...
09:28 AM Bug #23858 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: DMA: Share the excel file which has all the columns used by final columns of DMA live google pricing.
- As Discussed in Internal call on 04/03/25 Need to share the excel file which has all the columns used by final column...
09:25 AM Bug #23857 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
- As Discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager.
09:19 AM Feature #23854 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
- # The UI of 'My Profile' should be similar to 'View User'.
# Need to add Edit Profile button on its UI. -
06:36 AM Bug #23809 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
06:32 AM Bug #23809: FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Verified again on latest staging web app also discussed in internal call 04/03/25, Now after updating the profile pic...
05:17 AM Bug #23810: FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
- In the Transaction log page, In Columns Section added the freeze columns feature with the minimum width should be taken.
March 03, 2025
05:36 PM Feature #23819 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
05:34 PM Feature #23819 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
09:20 AM Feature #23819 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
05:36 PM Bug #23810 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
05:34 PM Bug #23810 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
02:39 PM Bug #23810 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
05:36 PM Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
05:34 PM Feature #23844 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:33 PM Feature #23844 (New): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:32 PM Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app still not displaying the loader on Save button when clicked on it. *Reopening bug*
09:41 AM Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:29 PM Bug #23849 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
03:29 PM Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Verified in staging web app, Since its not required. *Marking its as closed*
March 01, 2025
09:06 AM Feature #23844 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- After I click save, it takes 3-4 seconds for popup to come about "Re-calculate the transaction data?" and meanwhile r...
February 28, 2025
06:25 PM Bug #23759 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
05:38 PM Bug #23759 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:01 AM Bug #23759 (New): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:01 AM Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Verified on staging web app, Now under the screens of Toolshed menu the issues related to the GET
06:25 PM Bug #23761 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
05:38 PM Bug #23761 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:02 AM Bug #23761 (New): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:02 AM Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Verified on staging web app, now under the screens of Charts & Report menu the issues related to the GET https://sta...
05:39 PM Bug #23849 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
05:39 PM Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Undo the changes. this is not required.
09:30 AM Feature #23844 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
09:30 AM Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Update COH when clicked on the Save button then it asks *Re-calculate the tra...
08:59 AM Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
06:13 AM Bug #23845 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
06:13 AM Bug #23845: FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
- Verified in staging web app, now on the dashboard for In both Portfolio ie. *Port 1 & Port 2* its displaying the prop...
05:56 AM Bug #23769 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
05:55 AM Bug #23769: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Balance sheet break down page followed the below process & the data is export...
05:53 AM Bug #23770 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
05:53 AM Bug #23770: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
- Followed the below steps now the data is exporting properly based on the selected Columns.
# Now from the Column drop... -
05:48 AM Bug #23777 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
05:48 AM Bug #23777: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
- Followed below steps, now the data is exporting properly while after removing any columns.
# Opened the Buy Sell Pro... -
05:43 AM Bug #23782 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
05:43 AM Bug #23782: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
- 1. After opening the Transaction Log page, without applying the filter directly clicked on the Export button to expor...
05:40 AM Bug #23784 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
05:38 AM Bug #23784: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
- 1. After opening the Log Feeder page, without applying the filter directly clicked on the Export button to export the...
05:34 AM Bug #23804 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
05:34 AM Bug #23804: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Screener Data page the data is now exporting properly based on the applied fi...
05:23 AM Bug #23805 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
05:23 AM Bug #23805: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Master Company Data page the data is exporting properly based on the applied ...
05:18 AM Bug #23806 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
05:18 AM Bug #23806: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- Verified in staging web app, Now on the Ind Ref Control page the data is exporting properly based on the applied filt...
05:11 AM Bug #23851 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
05:10 AM Bug #23851: FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Staging web app it shows only 2 portfolio ie. *Port 1 & port 2* - *Done, mark...
February 27, 2025
04:59 PM Feature #23844 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
04:59 PM Bug #23759 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
01:10 PM Bug #23759 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
04:59 PM Bug #23761 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
01:10 PM Bug #23761 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
04:59 PM Bug #23769 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
07:56 AM Bug #23769 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
04:59 PM Bug #23770 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
07:55 AM Bug #23770 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
04:59 PM Bug #23777 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
07:02 AM Bug #23777 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
04:59 PM Bug #23782 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
10:45 AM Bug #23782 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
04:58 PM Bug #23784 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
08:49 AM Bug #23784 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
04:58 PM Bug #23804 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
09:29 AM Bug #23804 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
04:58 PM Bug #23805 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
09:44 AM Bug #23805 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
04:58 PM Bug #23806 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
10:16 AM Bug #23806 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
04:58 PM Bug #23851 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
01:08 PM Bug #23851 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
02:09 PM Feature #23841 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH changes to be reflected everywhere in app.
02:09 PM Feature #23841: FWG: Staging: Web app: COH changes to be reflected everywhere in app.
- Verified on staging web app, now when we are updating the Cash on Hand then it reflecting the changes properly on bel...
01:30 PM Bug #23849 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
01:27 PM Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Reverified the bug, Now the Cross mark based on *viewAll* action for Admin, Manager, User roles on Permissions page i...
06:46 AM Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Where the cross mark added?
06:24 AM Bug #23849 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
06:24 AM Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Verified on staging web app, now the Cross mark for Admin, Manager & User for the Portfolio is added. And its workin...
04:42 AM Bug #23849 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
06:49 AM Bug #23852 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
06:22 AM Bug #23852: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
- Its InProgress from my side. @palash
06:21 AM Bug #23852 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
04:42 AM Bug #23852 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
06:47 AM Bug #23811 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
- Still was able to reproduce today.. not fixed
04:42 AM Bug #23811 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
06:29 AM Feature #23846 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Need to freeze the header row in table.
06:29 AM Feature #23846: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Need to freeze the header row in table.
- Verified on staging web app, now the Header of Permission table is Freezed. *Done, marking it as closed*
04:42 AM Feature #23846 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Need to freeze the header row in table.
06:28 AM Bug #23847 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to freeze the headers of all the tables in entire web app.
06:27 AM Bug #23847: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to freeze the headers of all the tables in entire web app.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the below mentioned pages the Header in the table is Freezed:
1. NSUB - *Done, He... -
04:42 AM Bug #23847 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to freeze the headers of all the tables in entire web app.
04:42 AM Bug #23845 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
February 26, 2025
03:48 PM Bug #23811 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
03:19 PM Bug #23845 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
03:19 PM Bug #23845: FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
- * Portfolio 3-Month Price Movement, the calculation compares the average latest value and average past value based on...
03:01 PM Bug #23849 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
02:12 PM Bug #23852 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
02:11 PM Bug #23847 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to freeze the headers of all the tables in entire web app.
12:17 PM Feature #23846 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Need to freeze the header row in table.
05:31 AM Bug #23821 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
05:31 AM Bug #23821: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
- Verified on staging web app, now after creating the new user user receives an email & is able to verify the email and...
05:06 AM Bug #23821 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
05:30 AM Bug #23822 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
05:30 AM Bug #23822: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in the Profile Activity tab its displaying the time in Last login or created at base...
05:26 AM Bug #23828 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
05:26 AM Bug #23828: FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
- Verified on staging web app, now when we refresh the app then it first shows the loader for all the tables & once the...
05:03 AM Bug #23828 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
05:23 AM Bug #23850 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
05:22 AM Bug #23850: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
- verified on staging web app,
1. Need to combine Portfolio & Permission tabs also make Tab name as Portfolio & Permi... -
05:08 AM Bug #23850 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
05:06 AM Bug #23850 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
- Why activity log says "Created At 18:25, May 27, 2024"
It should show last login.. and I don't think last login is... -
05:02 AM Bug #23850 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
February 25, 2025
05:13 PM Bug #23850 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
08:47 AM Bug #23850 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: User Profile: Need to make below changes in its Tabs.
- 1. Need to combine Portfolio & Permission tabs also make Tab name as *Portfolio & Permission*
2. In Portfolio & Perm... -
08:59 AM Bug #23853 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
- After verifying the FWG Email did logged in into the web app then it shows the *403 - Permission Denied* also the app...
08:55 AM Bug #23852 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
- Refer
FWG: File Upload & Data Calculation process: -
08:51 AM Bug #23851 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
- Need to Clean up portfolios, There should Only be 2 portfolios. One with good data full data & another 1 with partial...
08:37 AM Bug #23849 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- On Permissions list for Subject *"View All"* Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User roles.
08:28 AM Bug #23848 (New): FWG: Staging : Web app: Documentation: Add 2-3 lines for each subsection in the FWG master documentation.
- Need to add 2-3 lines for each subsection in the FWG master documentation.
08:16 AM Bug #23847 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to freeze the headers of all the tables in entire web app.
- Check Below tables:
2. Net by & Sell
3. Inter & intra Industry Swaps
4. Position Sizing
5. Derisking
6.... -
08:05 AM Feature #23846 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Need to freeze the header row in table.
- On Permission list screen when we scroll down the page then the header of the table gets hide. Here the header row sh...
08:02 AM Bug #23845 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
- On Dashboard screen the *Port. 52 W L Rise* should never be 0. Here share the note why it is happening?
07:58 AM Feature #23844 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- In COH update, when we click on the Save button it should also ask *whether you want to re-calculate transaction data...
07:42 AM Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Dinesh working on this ( in progress 25 Feb 2025)
07:42 AM Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Dinesh working on this ( in progress 25 Feb 2025)
07:40 AM Bug #23769: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
- Dinesh working on this only left with current holding check filter conditions.
07:39 AM Bug #23808: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
- Dinesh need to work on this not started yet.
07:39 AM Bug #23810: FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
- Dinesh need to work on this not started yet.
07:38 AM Bug #23811: FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
- Dinesh need to check with the issue still persist or not.
07:37 AM Bug #23816: FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
- Need to confirm with Mayur which email used for Chat GPT secret key.
07:35 AM Feature #23819: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Need to confirm with Mayur.
07:33 AM Bug #23821: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
- Dinesh need to update on staging
04:32 AM Bug #23821 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
04:31 AM Bug #23821: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
- Email Credentials required from the client.
07:33 AM Bug #23823: FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
- Dinesh is working on this facing issue with debugging root cause.
07:31 AM Bug #23828: FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
- is working on this facing issues whenever refreshing page it's checking permissions for NavBar It...
05:33 AM Feature #23840 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Need to add the hyperlink of google doc sheet.
05:33 AM Feature #23840: FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Need to add the hyperlink of google doc sheet.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Live Google Finance Pricing page the Reference link of Google sheet is added....
04:42 AM Bug #23835: FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
- Verified in staging web app, Followed the same steps now the changes of Portfolio is showing on other pages as well. ...
04:40 AM Bug #23835 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
04:41 AM Bug #23822 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
04:38 AM Bug #23822 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
04:31 AM Bug #23822: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- In the staging app it will be showing the createdAt time as per the server.
04:39 AM Feature #23817 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
04:39 AM Feature #23817: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with now if its displaying 1 columns after Deselecting...
04:33 AM Feature #23841: FWG: Staging: Web app: COH changes to be reflected everywhere in app.
- Coh is present in this four places so you can check according to that whether it is updating or not.
Cash Contributi...
February 24, 2025
05:25 PM Bug #23821 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
02:25 PM Bug #23821 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
05:25 PM Bug #23822 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
05:23 PM Bug #23822 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
05:25 PM Bug #23835 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
02:25 PM Bug #23835 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
05:25 PM Feature #23840 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Need to add the hyperlink of google doc sheet.
06:13 AM Feature #23840 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Need to add the hyperlink of google doc sheet.
04:27 AM Feature #23841 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH changes to be reflected everywhere in app.
04:26 AM Feature #23817 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
February 21, 2025
07:44 AM Bug #23821: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
MAIL_PASSWORD : "fsml laxg mtgl weny" -
07:28 AM Feature #23843 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the document to learn how permission work in app.
- Need to create the document to learn how permission work in app.
Shared by Client. -
07:26 AM Feature #23842 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the Doc for understanding end to end process of File Upload & Data Calculation
- What happens when I upload data? Create a document for understanding the end to end process.
Shared by Client. -
07:24 AM Feature #23841 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH changes to be reflected everywhere in app.
- If I change COH, does it automatically recalculate all the values that depend on COH in the entire app? If not then i...
07:21 AM Feature #23840 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Need to add the hyperlink of google doc sheet.
- On Live Google Finance Pricing, Need to add the hyperlink "Reference Sheet" of google doc sheet.
06:48 AM Feature #23818 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to change 3 Sample files.
06:03 AM Bug #23759 (New): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:03 AM Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the above mentioned pages still facing the console errors. also discussed with @d...
06:02 AM Bug #23761 (New): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:02 AM Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the above mentioned pages still facing the console errors. also discussed with @d...
06:00 AM Bug #23813 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
05:58 AM Bug #23813: FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the above mentioned pages still facing the errors in Console so the Similar bugs ...
05:54 AM Bug #23833 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: View User: It's displaying Incorrect data.
05:54 AM Bug #23833: FWG: Staging: Web app: View User: It's displaying Incorrect data.
- Verified on staging web app, now the Phone & Location field is removed & on Activity tab added the New field ie. (Rol...
04:34 AM Bug #23833 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: View User: It's displaying Incorrect data.
05:49 AM Bug #23823 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
05:49 AM Bug #23823: FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
- Verified on staging web app, now still facing the console errors also discussed with its not affe...
05:48 AM Bug #23822 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
05:48 AM Bug #23822: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- Verified on staging web app, now on Activity tab the created date is proper but the created time is displaying some r...
04:37 AM Bug #23822 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
04:37 AM Bug #23822: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- here in this case we are showcasing the user created at date and time instead of login date and time
05:30 AM Bug #23812 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Two loaders are displaying while reloading the dashboard.
05:30 AM Bug #23812: FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Two loaders are displaying while reloading the dashboard.
- Verified in staging web app, also discussed with @sachin & now the loader for diff tables are dis...
05:26 AM Feature #23829 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Shift sample download button to raw data screen.
05:26 AM Feature #23829: FWG: Staging: Web app: Shift sample download button to raw data screen.
- Verified on staging web app, now the Download sample button of Screener Data, Ind ref Control & Transaction Log scree...
05:20 AM Bug #23830 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
05:20 AM Bug #23830: FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
- Verified on staging web app, now cleared the chache & its working properly. *Done, marking it as closed*
05:17 AM Bug #23831 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Columns dropdown: Select all is not working in below scenario.
05:17 AM Bug #23831: FWG: Staging: Web app: Columns dropdown: Select all is not working in below scenario.
- Verified on staging web app, Followed the same steps & now not facing this issue so the Select all is working properl...
05:15 AM Bug #23832 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
05:15 AM Bug #23832: FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Create user screen click on Cancel button is working. *Done, marking it as cl...
05:12 AM Bug #23834 (Closed): FWG: Staging: web app: User list: Sorting is not working.
05:12 AM Bug #23834: FWG: Staging: web app: User list: Sorting is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now the sorting is working in all the columns of User list table. *Done, marking it as c...
05:10 AM Bug #23836 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio list: Sorting is not working in Columns.
05:10 AM Bug #23836: FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio list: Sorting is not working in Columns.
- Verified in staging web app, now on the Portfolio list table the sorting is working in all the required columns. *Don...
05:09 AM Bug #23837 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Roles list: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:09 AM Bug #23837: FWG: Staging web app: Roles list: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now the sorting is working in all the columns of Roles List table. *Done, marking it as ...
05:08 AM Bug #23838 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Porfolios: Need to change the title Add Company pop up.
05:08 AM Bug #23838: FWG: Staging: Web app: Porfolios: Need to change the title Add Company pop up.
- Verified on staging web app, now in the Add user pop up the title is updated to *Add User*. *done, marking it as closed*
05:07 AM Bug #23839 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Edit User: Click on Cancel button is not working.
05:06 AM Bug #23839: FWG: Staging: Web app: Edit User: Click on Cancel button is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now on update user screen click on *Cancel* button is working. *Done, marking it as closed*
04:52 AM Bug #23839 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Edit User: Click on Cancel button is not working.
04:48 AM Bug #23839 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Edit User: Click on Cancel button is not working.
- Steps:
1. Profile
2. Team Settings
3. User list
4. Edit User: here click on cancel button is not working also nee...
February 20, 2025
07:11 PM Bug #23835 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
03:09 PM Bug #23835 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
11:56 AM Bug #23835 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: View user: Portfolio changes are not displaying properly.
- First, the user was added to the Portfolio. Later, when navigating to the 'View User' screen for that user, the updat...
06:52 PM Bug #23811 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
06:52 PM Bug #23813 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
06:52 PM Bug #23813: FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
- Ignore the errors.
09:33 AM Bug #23813: FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
- Please check below pages for console errors:
1. NSUB: -
06:51 PM Bug #23761 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:50 PM Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Most errors are solved. Ignore the leftover errors.
03:59 AM Bug #23761 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:50 PM Bug #23759 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:48 PM Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Ignore the leftover errors. most errors are solved.
03:59 AM Bug #23759 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:48 PM Bug #23812 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Two loaders are displaying while reloading the dashboard.
06:34 PM Bug #23812 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Two loaders are displaying while reloading the dashboard.
06:47 PM Bug #23823 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
06:32 PM Bug #23823 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
06:31 PM Bug #23823: FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
- Ignore the errors
06:47 PM Feature #23829 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Shift sample download button to raw data screen.
05:13 PM Feature #23829 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Shift sample download button to raw data screen.
06:47 PM Bug #23830 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
06:46 PM Bug #23830: FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
- Clear the cache cookies and then try it.
03:00 PM Bug #23830 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
04:35 AM Bug #23830: FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
- Refer SS
06:46 PM Bug #23831 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Columns dropdown: Select all is not working in below scenario.
03:59 PM Bug #23831 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Columns dropdown: Select all is not working in below scenario.
07:04 AM Bug #23831 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Columns dropdown: Select all is not working in below scenario.
- Follow below steps:
# Open the Column
# Now by Default it displays all the columns as selected so here Deselect any... -
06:44 PM Bug #23832 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
02:59 PM Bug #23832 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
02:59 PM Bug #23832 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
11:35 AM Bug #23832 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Create users: Click on Cancel button is not working.
- Steps:
# Profile
# Team Settings
# Users
# Create users: Here on Create users page the click on *cancel* button i... -
06:44 PM Bug #23834 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: web app: User list: Sorting is not working.
02:35 PM Bug #23834 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: web app: User list: Sorting is not working.
11:49 AM Bug #23834 (Closed): FWG: Staging: web app: User list: Sorting is not working.
- In User list table sorting is not working in all the columns.
06:43 PM Bug #23836 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio list: Sorting is not working in Columns.
01:19 PM Bug #23836 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio list: Sorting is not working in Columns.
12:00 PM Bug #23836 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio list: Sorting is not working in Columns.
- Steps:
# Profile
# Team Settings
# Left Nav: click on Portfolio
# Now in Portfolio table the sorting is not work... -
06:41 PM Bug #23837 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Roles list: Sorting is not working in its columns.
01:10 PM Bug #23837 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Roles list: Sorting is not working in its columns.
12:06 PM Bug #23837 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Roles list: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- steps:
# Profile
# Team Settings
# Left nav: click on Roles
# In Roles list table the sorting is not working in i... -
06:41 PM Bug #23838 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Porfolios: Need to change the title Add Company pop up.
01:02 PM Bug #23838 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Porfolios: Need to change the title Add Company pop up.
12:19 PM Bug #23838 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Porfolios: Need to change the title Add Company pop up.
- Follow Steps:
# Profile
# Team Settings
# Left Nav: Portfolios list
# Now on Portfolio list table click on the th... -
06:33 PM Bug #23821 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
02:47 PM Bug #23822 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
06:35 AM Bug #23822 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
06:35 AM Bug #23822: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- Verified on staging web app, In the activity log, the proper 'Logged in' data is still not being displayed. It should...
03:58 AM Bug #23822 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
02:47 PM Bug #23833 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: View User: It's displaying Incorrect data.
11:44 AM Bug #23833 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: View User: It's displaying Incorrect data.
- Steps:
# First Created user by adding the First name, Last name & Email
# Now after creating the User when viewed ... -
07:25 AM Bug #23815 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Everywhere in app need to make user friendly words.
07:25 AM Bug #23815: FWG: Staging: Web app: Everywhere in app need to make user friendly words.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in the Web app the words like *churRunrateGains* are fixed & updated in proper manne...
03:58 AM Bug #23815 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Everywhere in app need to make user friendly words.
07:21 AM Bug #23809 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
07:21 AM Bug #23809: FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Verified on staging web app, Now the Profile picture is updating properly. *Done, marking it as closed*
03:58 AM Bug #23809 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
07:20 AM Bug #23814 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
07:19 AM Bug #23814 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
07:19 AM Bug #23814: FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
- Verified on staging web app, Now while after logging out from the web app not facing the below console errors:
Uncau... -
03:58 AM Bug #23814 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
07:14 AM Feature #23817 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
07:07 AM Feature #23817 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
07:07 AM Feature #23817: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the above screen in its Column Dropdowns the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar featur...
03:58 AM Feature #23817 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
06:24 AM Bug #23824 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finnance Pricing: Need to correct the spelling of Finnance.
06:24 AM Bug #23824: FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finnance Pricing: Need to correct the spelling of Finnance.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in the *Live Google Finnance Pricing* the spelling of Finnance is corrected to Finan...
03:57 AM Bug #23824 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finnance Pricing: Need to correct the spelling of Finnance.
06:22 AM Bug #23825 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Data is not displaying.
06:22 AM Bug #23825: FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Data is not displaying.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the *Live Google Finance Pricing* page the Code is Commented out. *Do...
03:57 AM Bug #23825 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Data is not displaying.
06:18 AM Bug #23826 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
06:18 AM Bug #23826: FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
- Verified on staging web app, now the users Profile Image is updating properly. *Done, marking it as closed*
03:57 AM Bug #23826 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
06:13 AM Bug #23827 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
06:12 AM Bug #23827: FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Edit Profile after updating the User it is redirecting us to the Users menu. ...
03:57 AM Bug #23827 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
06:01 AM Bug #23828 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
06:01 AM Bug #23828: FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
- Verified on staging web app, First, it displays all the menus. Then, it reloads, showing only two menus while loading...
03:57 AM Bug #23828 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
03:43 AM Bug #23828 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
05:07 AM Bug #23816 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
05:06 AM Feature #23819 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
03:58 AM Feature #23819 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
05:02 AM Feature #23818 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to change 3 Sample files.
- Done by Mayur. pushed to master branch.
February 19, 2025
03:58 PM Bug #23830 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing 400 Bad Request on Chrome Browser.
03:55 PM Feature #23829 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Shift sample download button to raw data screen.
03:54 PM Bug #23828 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: When App refreshes then it shows all the items.
- When we refresh the app then it shows all the items. Here need to fix this issue.
Shared by @sachin -
02:50 PM Bug #23815 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Everywhere in app need to make user friendly words.
01:22 PM Bug #23814 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
11:56 AM Feature #23817 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
10:43 AM Feature #23819 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
06:24 AM Bug #23826 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
06:22 AM Bug #23826 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
- FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Profile image is not updating.
06:24 AM Bug #23827 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
06:23 AM Bug #23827 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
- FWG: Staging: Web app: Update User: After updating the user it is not redirecting to the users menu.
05:28 AM Bug #23809 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
03:22 AM Bug #23822 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
01:07 AM Bug #23824 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finnance Pricing: Need to correct the spelling of Finnance.
01:04 AM Bug #23825 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Data is not displaying.
February 18, 2025
01:23 PM Bug #23825 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Data is not displaying.
- On Live Google Finance Pricing page at bottom In the data is not displaying. Here need to comment th...
01:20 PM Bug #23824 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finnance Pricing: Need to correct the spelling of Finnance.
- In Menu, Need to correct the spelling of Finnance here it should be Finance.
01:18 PM Bug #23823 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Facing Error in Console.
- On Dashboard facing the console error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)...
12:51 PM Bug #23822 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Profile Activity: Its displaying Incorrect data of login.
- New user is added by admin after which under his profile activity its displaying incorrect data of Logged in ie. 6th ...
12:47 PM Bug #23821 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New User: Email is not going to the new user.
- The New User has been added by the admin after which the Email is not going to that user on its Mail id: (ie. sachin...
12:26 PM Feature #23820 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: All Tables: Need to add the Template on each page for selecting the certain columns.
- Each page should have a template for all tables, Where allowing the users to select certain columns, apply filters an...
12:12 PM Feature #23819 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Need to Hide Data *Upload Excel & Re Cal* buttons from below pages since it's already there in Raw Data upload.
# Sc... -
12:05 PM Feature #23818 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to change 3 Sample files.
- Change 3 sample files, Download Sample files.
shared by @kailashgajara sir -
12:02 PM Feature #23817 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to add the Select, Unselect & Scroll bar feature in Column dropdowns.
- In Entire web app where ever there's Columns dropdown is displaying In those columns dropdown user should be able to ...
11:47 AM Bug #23816 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
- On *Ask FWG* when typed any question & clicked on the *Ask FWG* button then it continuously load the loader on *Answe...
11:42 AM Bug #23815 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Everywhere in app need to make user friendly words.
- For Example if it is *churRunrateGains* then update it with *Chur Run Rate Gains*
@palash to share the list of wor... -
11:34 AM Bug #23814 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Facing below console errors after logging out from the app.
- Need to fix console error:
# Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: e.getCategory is not a function
# Uncaught (in promis... -
11:31 AM Bug #23813 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: On all pages facing below console error.
- Need to fix the Console error on all pages: Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response wa...
11:28 AM Bug #23812 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Dashboard: Two loaders are displaying while reloading the dashboard.
- On Dashboard, When reloaded the page then it shows 2 loaders at a time which is incorrect. Here it should display onl...
11:25 AM Bug #23811 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
- While running the application the App gets stuck & due to which we are not able to use it properly.
Shared by @ka... -
11:22 AM Bug #23810 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
- Need to Reduce the width of columns on pages that have lazy loading. Also User should be able to freeze column / unfr...
05:18 AM Bug #23809 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Once we upload the profile pic it gets saves & when refreshed it then it get removed.
February 17, 2025
09:26 AM Bug #23808 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
- On Special Combo Transaction Log page the pagination is not working properly.
09:11 AM Bug #23786 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
09:10 AM Bug #23786: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in the filters of Special Combo Transaction Log the search in searchble dropdowns is...
05:08 AM Bug #23786 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
09:04 AM Bug #23787 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Search is not working.
09:04 AM Bug #23787: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Search is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Special Combo Transaction Log page the search is working based on the Asset &...
05:09 AM Bug #23787 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Search is not working.
09:01 AM Bug #23794 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Buy Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
09:01 AM Bug #23794: FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Buy Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Buy Wave page the sorting is working in Company Name Column. *Done, marking i...
05:20 AM Bug #23794 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Buy Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:56 AM Bug #23796 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Investee Industry Movement: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:55 AM Bug #23796: FWG: Staging: Web app: Investee Industry Movement: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Investee Industry Movement table the sorting is working in Industry Name Colu...
05:09 AM Bug #23796 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Investee Industry Movement: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:51 AM Bug #23798 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:51 AM Bug #23798: FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Live Google Finance Pricing page the sorting is working properly in its colum...
05:10 AM Bug #23798 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:48 AM Bug #23799 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Special Combo Transaction Log: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:48 AM Bug #23799: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Special Combo Transaction Log: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on Special Combo Transaction Log page the Sorting is working in its columns. *Done, ...
05:11 AM Bug #23799 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Special Combo Transaction Log: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:44 AM Bug #23801 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: Industry Macro Data: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:44 AM Bug #23801: FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: Industry Macro Data: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Industry Macro Data page sorting is working in all the columns. *Done, marki...
05:58 AM Bug #23801 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: Industry Macro Data: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:00 AM Bug #23801 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: Industry Macro Data: Sorting is not working in its columns.
February 14, 2025
06:42 AM Bug #23799 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Special Combo Transaction Log: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:38 AM Bug #23798 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
03:51 AM Bug #23786 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
03:30 AM Bug #23787 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Search is not working.
February 13, 2025
08:15 AM Bug #23794 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Buy Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
08:06 AM Bug #23796 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Investee Industry Movement: Sorting is not working in its columns.
06:06 AM Bug #23775 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter is not working.
06:06 AM Bug #23775: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now in the filters of the Buy Sell Prompt page the Upload Date filter is removed. *Marki...
06:01 AM Bug #23793 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Out Performers & Under Performers: Sorting is not working in columns.
06:01 AM Bug #23793: FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Out Performers & Under Performers: Sorting is not working in columns.
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with bhai, it not required as its having less rows. *M...
06:00 AM Bug #23795 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Sell Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
06:00 AM Bug #23795: FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Sell Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with its not required. *Marking it as closed*
05:52 AM Bug #23802 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:52 AM Bug #23802: FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app also the discussed with bhai, That sorting is not required in *Grand ...
05:50 AM Bug #23803 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
05:49 AM Bug #23803: FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
- Verified on staging web app, now in the Unit Converter when we try to Re- seleceted the selected Unit the it get rese...
05:44 AM Feature #23807 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Data: Holiday list: Need to make the year filter default to current year automatically.
05:44 AM Feature #23807: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Data: Holiday list: Need to make the year filter default to current year automatically.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Holiday list table when opened the filters the by default in Year dropdown it...
February 12, 2025
05:23 PM Bug #23795: FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Sell Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Sorting is not required here.
05:22 PM Bug #23795 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Sell Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:20 PM Bug #23793: FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Out Performers & Under Performers: Sorting is not working in columns.
- Sorting is not required here
05:20 PM Bug #23793 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Out Performers & Under Performers: Sorting is not working in columns.
05:17 PM Bug #23798 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:13 PM Bug #23798 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:11 PM Bug #23802: FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- In Grand Total Column Sorting cann't be possible.
05:05 PM Bug #23802 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
01:57 PM Bug #23802 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:10 PM Bug #23775: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter is not working.
- Upload date is not required.
05:05 PM Bug #23775 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter is not working.
05:05 PM Bug #23803 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
05:05 PM Feature #23807 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Data: Holiday list: Need to make the year filter default to current year automatically.
04:34 AM Feature #23807 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Data: Holiday list: Need to make the year filter default to current year automatically.
- Need to make the year filter default to current year automatically. Meaning starting Jan 01, 2026, filter should defa...
February 11, 2025
01:15 PM Bug #23806 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- On Ind Ref Control, when applied the filter & then exported the data then its displaying incorrect data. Here it shou...
01:10 PM Bug #23805 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- On Master Company Data when applied the filter & then exported the data then its displaying incorrect data. Here it s...
01:06 PM Bug #23804 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
- On Screener when applied the filter & then exported the data then its displaying incorrect data. Here it should displ...
12:53 PM Bug #23803 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
12:53 PM Bug #23803 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
12:52 PM Bug #23803 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
12:50 PM Bug #23803 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Unit Converter: Units are not remaining same when Re-selected the same unit.
- In Unit Converter dropdown when Re-selected the same selected unit then it changes to another unit. here it should re...
12:14 PM Bug #23775 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter is not working.
05:40 AM Bug #23779 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
05:40 AM Bug #23779: FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the below mentioned pages the search option is removed from the dropdown:
# Floa... -
05:38 AM Bug #23788 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Search is not working.
05:37 AM Bug #23788: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Search is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the *MProfit Data* screen the search is working properly. *Done, marking it as cl...
05:36 AM Bug #23792 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Master Company Data: Filter: Not able to select Industry in its Dropdown.
05:36 AM Bug #23792: FWG: Staging: Web App: Master Company Data: Filter: Not able to select Industry in its Dropdown.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the *Master Company Data* screen when opened the filters then in Industry dropdow...
05:33 AM Bug #23797 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref control: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:33 AM Bug #23797: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref control: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Ind Ref Control page the sorting is working properly in *Industry* Column. *D...
05:31 AM Bug #23800 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
05:30 AM Bug #23800: FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Float screen the Sorting in Asset Column is working properly. *Done, marking ...
February 10, 2025
03:22 PM Bug #23779 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
09:50 AM Bug #23779 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
03:22 PM Bug #23777 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
03:21 PM Bug #23777 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
03:21 PM Bug #23777 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
03:21 PM Bug #23788 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Search is not working.
03:21 PM Bug #23792 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web App: Master Company Data: Filter: Not able to select Industry in its Dropdown.
03:21 PM Bug #23797 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref control: Sorting is not working in its columns.
02:15 PM Bug #23797 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref control: Sorting is not working in its columns.
12:03 PM Bug #23797 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref control: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- In *Industry* Column Sorting is not working.
03:21 PM Bug #23800 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
12:35 PM Bug #23800 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
12:09 PM Bug #23800: FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- On Float, Sorting is not working in Asset Column.
12:08 PM Bug #23800 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Float: Sorting is not working in its columns.
12:15 PM Bug #23802 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: ST to LT runway: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- On ST to LT Runway, Sorting is not working in *Grand Total* column.
12:12 PM Bug #23801 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Charts & Report: Industry Macro Data: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- On Industry Macro Data, Sorting is not working in its most of the columns.
12:07 PM Bug #23799 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Special Combo Transaction Log: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- On Special Combo Transaction Log, sorting is not working in most of the columns.
12:05 PM Bug #23798 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Live Google Finance Pricing: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- On Live Google Finance Pricing, In most of the columns the sorting is not working properly.
12:02 PM Bug #23796 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Investee Industry Movement: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- In *Industry Name* Column sorting is not working.
12:00 PM Bug #23795 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Sell Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- In *Company Name* Column sorting is not working.
11:58 AM Bug #23794 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Buy Wave: Sorting is not working in its columns.
- In *Company Name* Column sorting is not working.
11:54 AM Bug #23793 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Dashboard: Out Performers & Under Performers: Sorting is not working in columns.
- In Out Performers & Under Performers tables, Sorting is not working in their columns Including another Column called ...
06:11 AM Feature #23749 (Closed): Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
06:11 AM Feature #23749: Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
- Verified in staging web also discussed with bhai its not required so, *marking it as closed* .
05:08 AM Feature #23749: Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
- this feature is not required now. we can make it later if required.
05:07 AM Feature #23749 (Resolved): Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
February 08, 2025
February 07, 2025
12:06 PM Bug #23792 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Master Company Data: Filter: Not able to select Industry in its Dropdown.
- On Master Company Data, Inside the Filters not able to select the Industry from its dropdown.
Shared by @kailashga... -
06:00 AM Feature #23749 (New): Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
06:00 AM Feature #23749: Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
- Verified on staging web app, Its still not displaying clear button in search box in below tabs.
Companies - *Not Do... -
05:41 AM Feature #23750 (Closed): Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the Clear button to clear the applied filter.
05:41 AM Feature #23750: Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the Clear button to clear the applied filter.
- Verified on staging web app Now in the filters of below mentioned tabs the clear filter button is added
# Companies ... -
05:39 AM Bug #23773 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
05:39 AM Bug #23773: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
- Verified on staging web app, now the search option is removed from the Searchable dropdowns. *Done, marking it as clo...
05:37 AM Bug #23776 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:37 AM Bug #23776: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now the Search is removed from the Searchable dropdowns, *Done, marking it as closed*
05:36 AM Bug #23778 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
05:36 AM Bug #23778: FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
- Verified in staging web app, Now in below mentioned screens the clear button is added in all the filters.
# Float - ... -
05:32 AM Bug #23780 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:32 AM Bug #23780: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now on all these below mentioned Dropdowns the search option is removed.
Dropdowns: Co... -
05:27 AM Feature #23791 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Need to show the Settings icon on every page. (Refer Sampark UI)
05:27 AM Feature #23791: FWG: Web App: Need to show the Settings icon on every page. (Refer Sampark UI)
- Verified below items on Staging web app,
# Here when clicked on the Settings icon it should expand or open and disp... -
05:17 AM Bug #23783 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:17 AM Bug #23783: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app,
Portfolio- Search is working. *Done, marking as closed*
Stock Active Toggle- Search o... -
05:15 AM Bug #23789 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:14 AM Bug #23789: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now discussed with Search in Dropdown is removed As it was not requi...
February 06, 2025
07:02 PM Bug #23788 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Search is not working.
06:06 AM Bug #23783 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
06:06 AM Bug #23780 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
06:06 AM Bug #23778 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
06:06 AM Bug #23776 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
06:06 AM Bug #23773 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
06:06 AM Feature #23750 (Resolved): Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the Clear button to clear the applied filter.
06:06 AM Feature #23749 (Resolved): Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
06:06 AM Bug #23789 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
February 05, 2025
11:55 AM Feature #23749 (In Progress): Master Data: All tabs(Search Bars): Need to add the Cancel button inside the Search bar to clear the text.
11:55 AM Feature #23750 (In Progress): Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the Clear button to clear the applied filter.
11:18 AM Bug #23776 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
11:17 AM Bug #23786 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
11:01 AM Bug #23786 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
11:17 AM Bug #23778 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
11:14 AM Bug #23747 (Closed): Master Data: Companies: Action: Click on View, Edit & Delete buttons is not working.
11:14 AM Bug #23747: Master Data: Companies: Action: Click on View, Edit & Delete buttons is not working.
- Verified in staging web app, now the click on the Edit & Delete Button is working. *Done, marking it as closed*
11:10 AM Feature #23748 (Closed): Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the scroll bar inside the Company & Industry Dropdowns.
11:10 AM Feature #23748: Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the scroll bar inside the Company & Industry Dropdowns.
- verified in staging web app, now in all the dropdowns its displaying the scroll bars. *Done , marking it as closed*
11:07 AM Bug #23751 (Closed): Master Data: Industries: Action: Click on View & Edit button is not working.
11:07 AM Bug #23751: Master Data: Industries: Action: Click on View & Edit button is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, Now click on Edit button is working. *Done, marking it as closed*
11:06 AM Bug #23752 (Closed): Master Data: Industries: Action(Delete): Click on Cancel button & icon is not working in Delete's Confirmation pop up.
11:06 AM Bug #23752: Master Data: Industries: Action(Delete): Click on Cancel button & icon is not working in Delete's Confirmation pop up.
- Verified on staging web app, now on click on Cancel icon is working. *Done, marking as closed*
10:33 AM Bug #23789 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Raw Data: MProfit Data: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
10:15 AM Bug #23773 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
09:15 AM Bug #23780 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
08:13 AM Bug #23783 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
08:10 AM Bug #23783 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
07:06 AM Bug #23783 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transactions: Log Feeder: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
06:27 AM Bug #23771 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Need to display clear filter button.
06:27 AM Bug #23771: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Need to display clear filter button.
- Verified on staging web app, now in filters for Upload date its displaying Clear button. *Done, marking it as closed.*
05:49 AM Bug #23774 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
05:49 AM Bug #23774: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Buy Sell Prompt Search is working. - *Done, marking it as closed*
05:46 AM Bug #23785 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
05:46 AM Bug #23785: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
- Verified on staging web app, now if no data is displaying then it displays message *No Rows to Show*- *Done, marking ...
February 04, 2025
07:05 PM Bug #23771 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Need to display clear filter button.
05:26 AM Bug #23771 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Need to display clear filter button.
05:00 AM Bug #23771 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Need to display clear filter button.
06:02 PM Bug #23774 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
05:22 AM Bug #23774 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
05:22 AM Bug #23774: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
- verified, not working *Reopening bug*
05:00 AM Bug #23774 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Search is not working.
05:49 PM Bug #23785 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
04:29 PM Feature #23791 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Need to show the Settings icon on every page. (Refer Sampark UI)
04:27 PM Bug #23752 (Resolved): Master Data: Industries: Action(Delete): Click on Cancel button & icon is not working in Delete's Confirmation pop up.
04:25 PM Bug #23751 (Resolved): Master Data: Industries: Action: Click on View & Edit button is not working.
04:23 PM Bug #23747 (Resolved): Master Data: Companies: Action: Click on View, Edit & Delete buttons is not working.
04:18 PM Feature #23748 (Resolved): Master Data: All tabs(Filters): Need to add the scroll bar inside the Company & Industry Dropdowns.
03:36 PM Bug #23746 (Closed): Master Data: Companies: Click on Add New button is not working.
03:36 PM Bug #23746: Master Data: Companies: Click on Add New button is not working.
- Verified on web app, Now its working. *Done, marking it as closed.*
12:06 PM Bug #23746 (Resolved): Master Data: Companies: Click on Add New button is not working.
05:30 AM Bug #23790 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Header: Need to change the Settings icon.
05:29 AM Bug #23790: FWG: Staging: Web app: Header: Need to change the Settings icon.
- its replaced. *Done, marking it as closed*
05:26 AM Bug #23790 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Header: Need to change the Settings icon.
05:26 AM Bug #23779 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
05:01 AM Bug #23779 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
05:26 AM Bug #23778 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
05:01 AM Bug #23778 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
05:26 AM Bug #23773 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
05:00 AM Bug #23773 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Filter: Search is not working in below mentioned dropdowns.
05:23 AM Bug #23776 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:23 AM Bug #23776: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Need to remove the Search in dropdwon. *reopening bug*
05:01 AM Bug #23776 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Filter: Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:20 AM Bug #23772 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Need to display No Data Found message.
05:20 AM Bug #23772: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Need to display No Data Found message.
- Verified in staging web app now its displaying No Rows to show. *Done, marking it as closed*
05:00 AM Bug #23772 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Need to display No Data Found message.
05:16 AM Bug #23780 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:15 AM Bug #23780: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with @sachin Need to remove the searchable option. *Re...
05:01 AM Bug #23780 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
05:05 AM Bug #23781 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
05:05 AM Bug #23781: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
- Verified on staging web app, now if no data is found then it displays message *No Rows To Show*. *Done, marking it as...
05:02 AM Bug #23781 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
05:03 AM Bug #23768 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: Not getting the proper data in Exported file.
05:03 AM Bug #23768: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: Not getting the proper data in Exported file.
- Verified on staging web app, Followed the same steps:
# Opened the balance sheet breakdown page.
# Click on the Exp... -
04:59 AM Bug #23768 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: Not getting the proper data in Exported file.
February 03, 2025
12:53 PM Bug #23780 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Search in Searchable dropdown is not working.
12:52 PM Bug #23781 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Transaction Log: Filter: Need to display No Data Found message.
11:54 AM Bug #23778 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: Need to show clear button in filters of below mentioned pages of Toolshed.
09:14 AM Bug #23779 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Toolshed: The Search in searchable dropdown is not working in filters of below mentioned pages.
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