From February 28, 2025 to March 29, 2025
March 24, 2025
02:43 PM FWG Internal Bug #23895 (New): FWG: Staging web app: Transaction log: Search: While Searching Software Gets Hang.
02:43 PM FWG Internal Bug #23895: FWG: Staging web app: Transaction log: Search: While Searching Software Gets Hang.
- Verified on staging wbe app, now on the Transaction log page still facing the issue. here While Searching or scrollin...
02:02 PM FWG Internal Bug #23895 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Transaction log: Search: While Searching Software Gets Hang.
02:39 PM FWG Internal Feature #23870 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app password for sending emails.
02:39 PM FWG Internal Feature #23870: FWG: Staging web app: Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app password for sending emails.
- Verified on Staging & production Now the user is receiving an email for both email verification & forgot password. *D...
March 20, 2025
02:50 PM FWG Internal Bug #23935 (New): FWG: Staging web app: Portfolio list: Tag for portfolio is not removing in below scenario.
- Steps:
1. On portfolio list table assign the portfolio to any user.
2. After assigning the portfolio to any user go... -
02:42 PM FWG Internal Bug #23873 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
02:42 PM FWG Internal Bug #23873: FWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
- Verified on staging web app, Now followed the same steps
1. Did logged in from Super admin acc & marked 1 user as su... -
02:07 PM FWG Internal Bug #23873: FWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
- Now the portfolio is updated perfectly. Its working fine.
01:34 PM FWG Internal Bug #23873 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
01:34 PM FWG Internal Feature #23870 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app password for sending emails.
March 18, 2025
06:56 AM FWG Internal Bug #23895 (New): FWG: Staging web app: Transaction log: Search: While Searching Software Gets Hang.
- Discussed in Client meeting, On Transaction Log & other pages when entered text in search box then the software gets ...
March 17, 2025
12:30 PM FWG Internal Bug #23811: FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
- It's fine as it's only on my machine.
12:30 PM FWG Internal Bug #23811 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: We are not able to use the application.
12:30 PM FWG Internal Feature #23842: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the Doc for understanding end to end process of File Upload & Data Calculation
- Already done by Mayur -
12:29 PM FWG Internal Feature #23842 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the Doc for understanding end to end process of File Upload & Data Calculation
12:29 PM FWG Internal Feature #23843: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the document to learn how permission work in app.
- Already created by Mayur.
12:27 PM FWG Internal Feature #23843 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to create the document to learn how permission work in app.
March 13, 2025
03:04 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
03:04 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, now the pagination on Special Combo Transaction Log page is working properly. *Done, ma...
01:06 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
04:29 AM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
04:29 AM FWG Internal Feature #23870 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app password for sending emails.
March 12, 2025
03:31 PM FWG Internal Bug #23873 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: View User: Portfolio Changes are not reflecting properly.
- Follow Steps:
1. Did logged in from Super admin acc & marked 1 user as super admin & assigned him portfolio.
2. Aft... -
11:06 AM FWG Internal Bug #23871: FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
- Here, in this issue the portfolio data is the existing data stored in the database which is not changed so as a super...
07:29 AM FWG Internal Bug #23871 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
07:29 AM FWG Internal Bug #23871: FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the My Profile page of any super admin its displaying the proper role i.e. *Admin...
07:20 AM FWG Internal Bug #23872 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
07:20 AM FWG Internal Bug #23872: FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
- Verified on staging web app, Now followed the below mentioned steps & not facing the Application error on Dashboard.
March 11, 2025
04:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23872 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
04:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23872: FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
- Application error is not showing now. its working fine.
04:10 PM FWG Internal Bug #23872 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
10:36 AM FWG Internal Bug #23872 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error on Dashboard in below scenario.
- Steps:
1. Add New User
2. After Adding the new user receives an verification mail on registered email id.
3. In ve... -
04:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23871 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
04:38 PM FWG Internal Bug #23871: FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
- Now its showing the correct data.
01:55 PM FWG Internal Bug #23871 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
10:27 AM FWG Internal Bug #23871 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: My Profile: Need to change the role for Portfolio.
- As discussed in the client meeting on March 11, 2025, when a Super Admin logs in, their 'My Profile' section currentl...
10:23 AM FWG Internal Feature #23870 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app password for sending emails.
- As discussed in Client meeting on 11th March 2025 Need to Implement the new OAuth Mechanism by Google instead of app ...
04:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23853 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
04:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23853: FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
- Verified on staging web app, Now after verifying the email id when tried to do login into the app then it shows messa...
03:54 AM FWG Internal Bug #23869 (Closed): FWG: Staging: web app: Transaction Log: Facing Performance Issue.
03:54 AM FWG Internal Bug #23869: FWG: Staging: web app: Transaction Log: Facing Performance Issue.
- Verified in staging web app, now on the transaction log page in columns dropdown here we can individually Freeze & Un...
March 10, 2025
05:07 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
05:03 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
05:03 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
Verified on staging web app, now on the Special Combo Transaction Log page it looks like the page no. are changing b...-
12:00 PM FWG Internal Bug #23808 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
11:59 AM FWG Internal Bug #23808: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Special Combo Transaction Log: Pagination is not working.
- Now the pagination is working.
01:21 PM FWG Internal Bug #23869 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: web app: Transaction Log: Facing Performance Issue.
01:20 PM FWG Internal Bug #23869: FWG: Staging: web app: Transaction Log: Facing Performance Issue.
- On the Transaction Log page, we initially implemented a feature where clicking on a specific column would freeze all ...
01:04 PM FWG Internal Bug #23868 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
01:04 PM FWG Internal Bug #23868: FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the View User & User list screen page its not displaying the below console errors...
03:59 AM FWG Internal Bug #23868 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
03:59 AM FWG Internal Bug #23868: FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
- I have solved the error by making some changes in the code and now its not showing any error.
08:30 AM FWG Internal Bug #23853 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
04:06 AM FWG Internal Bug #23853: FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
- Once the user is verified and provided with any portfolio and login as non-superadmin its working fine now and if a v...
04:05 AM FWG Internal Bug #23853 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
March 09, 2025
01:44 PM FWG Internal Bug #23868 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
March 07, 2025
06:37 AM FWG Internal Bug #23869 (Closed): FWG: Staging: web app: Transaction Log: Facing Performance Issue.
- On Transaction Log page when opened the Columns Dropdown & tried to scroll the column names & Pinned on any column na...
06:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23852 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
06:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23852: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to read & understand the docs File Upload & Data Calculation process, Permissions & Roles Overview
- - *Done, marking it as closed*
06:22 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:21 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the pages of Toolshed the Console error 404 for profile pic is not displaying.
#... -
04:24 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
04:24 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- All the errors are resolved.
06:15 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761 (Closed): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:15 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the pages of Charts & Report the Console error 404 for profile pic is not display...
04:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
04:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- All the errors are resolved.
06:14 AM FWG Internal Bug #23868 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Team Setting: Facing Console error 404 on User list & view user screens.
- # On view user screen facing console error: GET
06:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
06:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809: FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Verified on staging web app, Now the Profile pic is updating properly also when refreshed after 15-20 mins the profil...
04:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
04:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809: FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Now its properly Uploading. Checked for multiple times.
06:00 AM FWG Internal Bug #23810 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
06:00 AM FWG Internal Bug #23810: FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Transaction log page the Width of first 4 columns is reduced also the Freeze ...
05:57 AM FWG Internal Bug #23862 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
05:57 AM FWG Internal Bug #23862: FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
- Verified on staging web app also Discussed with , Now on the Permission page in last 12 Subjects ...
04:21 AM FWG Internal Bug #23862 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
04:21 AM FWG Internal Bug #23862: FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
- Added some permissions realted to superadmin in the permission page. Now it makes a difference between superadmin and...
05:47 AM FWG Internal Bug #23863 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
05:47 AM FWG Internal Bug #23863: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Transaction log page the first 4 columns are freeze also for other columns Pi...
04:19 AM FWG Internal Bug #23863 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
04:19 AM FWG Internal Bug #23863: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
- In this bug the first four columns are bydefault freezed and it cannot be unfreeze and added a freeze functionality i...
05:32 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
05:32 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867: FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
- Verified on staging web app, Now after logging in into the web app its not displaying the Application error message o...
04:35 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867: FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
- Its fixed now. its showing a error message for wrong credentials and unverified user.
04:34 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
March 06, 2025
03:51 PM FWG Internal Bug #23863 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
01:42 PM FWG Internal Bug #23853 (Need Info): FWG: Staging: Web app: New user login: App reloads continuously due to which not able to use it.
01:41 PM FWG Internal Bug #23867: FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
- In this bug facing an issue with the session provider. tried many solutions but it didn't work. need to connect with ...
11:48 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
05:08 AM FWG Internal Bug #23867 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Dashboard: Facing Application Error message while after login.
- When did login into the web app then first it shows the Application Error for 2 sec & then reloads the web app.
07:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
07:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855: FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
- Verified on staging web app, now In the Console of each screen its not displaying any Console logs. *Done, marking it...
06:36 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
06:36 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856: FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with now the secret manager with new password for info...
04:05 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
04:05 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856: FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- the secret manager with new password for info email is been updated by kailash Sir.
06:35 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
06:34 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859: FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
- Verified on staging web app, Now without verifying the email id if tried to do login into the web app then it shows ...
04:00 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
04:00 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859: FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
- A error message has been added when un-verified email is given then it throws a error that your email is not verified...
06:30 AM FWG Internal Bug #23860 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
06:30 AM FWG Internal Bug #23860: FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
- Verified on staging web app, Now without verifying the email id if the user tries to reset password then on Forgot Pa...
04:04 AM FWG Internal Bug #23860 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
04:04 AM FWG Internal Bug #23860: FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
- A Email verification api is created through which it checks whether the email is verified or not. Without verifying t...
06:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
06:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866: FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
- Verified on staging web app, Now after creating the user. The user receives an email verification message on register...
03:58 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
03:57 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866: FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
- Once the email verification is successfull the user becomes active (verified).
March 05, 2025
04:46 PM FWG Internal Bug #23860 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
09:49 AM FWG Internal Bug #23816 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
09:49 AM FWG Internal Bug #23816: FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
- Verified on staging web app, Now that the OpenAI API key has been updated in both staging and production, ASKFWG is r...
04:07 AM FWG Internal Bug #23816 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
09:44 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
09:44 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854: FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
- Verified on staging web app,
# The UI of 'My Profile' should be similar to 'View User'. - *Now on the UI of My Prof... -
04:05 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
04:01 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
04:00 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854: FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
- My Profile page Ui is changed as per the view user ui and data is mapped according to it. Edit Profile button is also...
09:35 AM FWG Internal Bug #23857 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
09:35 AM FWG Internal Bug #23857: FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
- Verified on staging web app also discussed with @sachin & now its OpenAPI key is updated in googl...
04:17 AM FWG Internal Bug #23857 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
04:16 AM FWG Internal Bug #23857: FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
- The OpenAPI key is updated in google secret manager by Kailash sir.
09:34 AM FWG Internal Feature #23861 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
09:32 AM FWG Internal Feature #23861: FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
- Verified on staging web app, Now In the COH update when we click on the *Save* button then it displays the pop up for...
04:04 AM FWG Internal Feature #23861 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
04:04 AM FWG Internal Feature #23861: FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
- Instead of close cancel button is added and when we click on cancel or cross symbol it reverst back. its not updating...
09:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
09:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
- Verified on staging web app, now in the below mentioned screens the Column 1 Pixel error is fixed:
# ST to LT Runway... -
04:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
01:39 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
01:38 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
- In the above mentioned pages the column 1 pixel error is fixed.
09:14 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
09:14 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865: FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the User list screen when clicked on the user's name then its navigating to its V...
04:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
04:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865: FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
- this issue is solved now when clicking on the user its not throwing an error.
01:49 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
06:59 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
06:54 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
04:05 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
March 04, 2025
03:56 PM FWG Internal Feature #23861 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
09:48 AM FWG Internal Feature #23861 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: COH Update: Need to make below changes
- # Instead of *Close* button need to show *Cancel*
# If clicked on the Cancel button then it should revert back the C... -
01:20 PM FWG Internal Feature #23819 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
01:20 PM FWG Internal Feature #23819: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the below mentioned screens the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button is removed. -...
05:14 AM FWG Internal Feature #23819: FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
- Hided the Upload Excel & Re-Cal buttons from below pages since it's already there in Raw Data upload.
Screener Data
... -
01:18 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
01:17 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app, Now in COH update when clicked on the Save button then first it shows the loader on Save...
05:15 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- In the save button a loader has been added until the re-calculate pop-up rises.
11:40 AM FWG Internal Bug #23866 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Email: Need to check whether the user receives the verification mail.
- Need to Check if the user gets verification email, In Email user needs to click on verify and once the verification i...
11:37 AM FWG Internal Bug #23865 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: User List: facing error when clicked on User name.
- On User list screen when clicked on any any user then it shows the error: Application error: a client-side exception ...
11:29 AM FWG Internal Bug #23816: FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
- The OPENAI API key is updated in staging and production. now its working fine.
11:28 AM FWG Internal Bug #23816 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Ask FWG: Answer by Chat GPT is not working.
11:28 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855: FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
- All the console logs are removed throughout the app.
11:27 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
09:21 AM FWG Internal Bug #23855 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Console: Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
- Its displaying the Console logs on all pages of web app. So, Need to remove the Console logs in entire app.
11:03 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
11:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
11:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856: FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- Done by @kailashgajara sir.
09:24 AM FWG Internal Bug #23856 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Update the secret manager with new password for info email.
- As discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to update the secret manager with new password for info email.
10:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23864 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Internal: Freeze column 1 pixel error
- As discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to fix column 1 pixel error.
Check Below screens:
# ST to LT Runwa... -
09:58 AM FWG Internal Bug #23863 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
- As discussed in internal Call on 04/03/25 Need to freeze first 4 default columns.
09:52 AM FWG Internal Bug #23862 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Permission: Need to define visually how super admin is different then admin in permissions page.
09:43 AM FWG Internal Bug #23860 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Forgot Password: Need to send the email verification message if the user is not verified.
- Without verifying the Email if user tries to do forgot password then user should receive an Email verification mail.
09:36 AM FWG Internal Bug #23859 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Login: Email verification failed message should be displayed in pop up.
- For any user who has not verified their email ID and is trying to log in, the email verification failed message shoul...
09:28 AM FWG Internal Bug #23858 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: DMA: Share the excel file which has all the columns used by final columns of DMA live google pricing.
- As Discussed in Internal call on 04/03/25 Need to share the excel file which has all the columns used by final column...
09:25 AM FWG Internal Bug #23857 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager
- As Discussed in Internal Call on 04/03/25 need to OpenAPI key to update in google secret manager.
09:19 AM FWG Internal Feature #23854 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: My Profile: Need to make below changes on My Profile
- # The UI of 'My Profile' should be similar to 'View User'.
# Need to add Edit Profile button on its UI. -
06:36 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809 (New): FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
06:32 AM FWG Internal Bug #23809: FWG: Staging: Web app: Profile: Profile pic is not updating properly.
- Verified again on latest staging web app also discussed in internal call 04/03/25, Now after updating the profile pic...
05:17 AM FWG Internal Bug #23810: FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
- In the Transaction log page, In Columns Section added the freeze columns feature with the minimum width should be taken.
March 03, 2025
05:36 PM FWG Internal Feature #23819 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
05:34 PM FWG Internal Feature #23819 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
09:20 AM FWG Internal Feature #23819 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Need to hide the Upload Excel button & Re Cal button from below pages.
05:36 PM FWG Internal Bug #23810 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
05:34 PM FWG Internal Bug #23810 (In Progress): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
02:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23810 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Lazy Loading pages: Need to reduce the width of columns.
05:36 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
05:34 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:33 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (New): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:32 PM FWG Internal Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app still not displaying the loader on Save button when clicked on it. *Reopening bug*
09:41 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
03:29 PM FWG Internal Bug #23849 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
03:29 PM FWG Internal Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Verified in staging web app, Since its not required. *Marking its as closed*
March 01, 2025
09:06 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (In Progress): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- After I click save, it takes 3-4 seconds for popup to come about "Re-calculate the transaction data?" and meanwhile r...
February 28, 2025
06:25 PM FWG Internal Bug #23759 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
05:38 PM FWG Internal Bug #23759 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:01 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759 (New): FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
06:01 AM FWG Internal Bug #23759: FWG: Web App: Toolshed: Facing Server error 404 on Below Mentioned Screens Of Toolshed.
- Verified on staging web app, Now under the screens of Toolshed menu the issues related to the GET
06:25 PM FWG Internal Bug #23761 (In Progress): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
05:38 PM FWG Internal Bug #23761 (Resolved): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761 (New): FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
06:02 AM FWG Internal Bug #23761: FWG: Web App: Charts & Report: Facing Server error 404 on below mentioned screens of Charts & Report.
- Verified on staging web app, now under the screens of Charts & Report menu the issues related to the GET https://sta...
05:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23849 (Resolved): FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
05:39 PM FWG Internal Bug #23849: FWG: Staging: Web app: Team Settings: Permission: Portfolio: Need to add the cross mark for Admin, Manager & User.
- Undo the changes. this is not required.
09:30 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (Closed): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
09:30 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844: FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Update COH when clicked on the Save button then it asks *Re-calculate the tra...
08:59 AM FWG Internal Feature #23844 (Resolved): FWG: Staging web app: Settings: COH update: Need to show the pop up before updating the COH.
06:13 AM FWG Internal Bug #23845 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
06:13 AM FWG Internal Bug #23845: FWG: Staging: Web App: Dashboard: Port. 52 W L Rise should never be 0.
- Verified in staging web app, now on the dashboard for In both Portfolio ie. *Port 1 & Port 2* its displaying the prop...
05:56 AM FWG Internal Bug #23769 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
05:55 AM FWG Internal Bug #23769: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the applied filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Balance sheet break down page followed the below process & the data is export...
05:53 AM FWG Internal Bug #23770 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
05:53 AM FWG Internal Bug #23770: FWG: Staging: Web app: Balance Sheet: Balance sheet break down: Export: The data is not exporting based on the selected columns.
- Followed the below steps now the data is exporting properly based on the selected Columns.
# Now from the Column drop... -
05:48 AM FWG Internal Bug #23777 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
05:48 AM FWG Internal Bug #23777: FWG: Staging: Web app: Buy Sell Prompt: Export: Data is not exporting based on the selected Columns.
- Followed below steps, now the data is exporting properly while after removing any columns.
# Opened the Buy Sell Pro... -
05:43 AM FWG Internal Bug #23782 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
05:43 AM FWG Internal Bug #23782: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction Log: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file In below 2 scenarios.
- 1. After opening the Transaction Log page, without applying the filter directly clicked on the Export button to expor...
05:40 AM FWG Internal Bug #23784 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
05:38 AM FWG Internal Bug #23784: FWG: Staging: Web app: Transaction: Log Feeder: Not getting the proper data in Export file in below 2 sceanrios.
- 1. After opening the Log Feeder page, without applying the filter directly clicked on the Export button to export the...
05:34 AM FWG Internal Bug #23804 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
05:34 AM FWG Internal Bug #23804: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Screener Data: Export: Not getting the proper data in Export file after applying the filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Screener Data page the data is now exporting properly based on the applied fi...
05:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23805 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
05:23 AM FWG Internal Bug #23805: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Master Company Data: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- Verified on staging web app, now on the Master Company Data page the data is exporting properly based on the applied ...
05:18 AM FWG Internal Bug #23806 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
05:18 AM FWG Internal Bug #23806: FWG: Staging: Web app: Data: Ind Ref Control: Export: Not getting the proper data after applying the filter.
- Verified in staging web app, Now on the Ind Ref Control page the data is exporting properly based on the applied filt...
05:11 AM FWG Internal Bug #23851 (Closed): FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
05:10 AM FWG Internal Bug #23851: FWG: Staging: Web app: Portfolio: Need to clean up the Portfolio data.
- Verified on staging web app, Now on the Staging web app it shows only 2 portfolio ie. *Port 1 & port 2* - *Done, mark...
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